Adviсe. Golden rules for setting the ignition on Jupiter: cheat sheet for IZhovodov Set the ignition on Izh 5

Many owners of Izhmash equipment set the ignition themselves. This process is not difficult if you understand the structure of the system and the principle of operation. The article provides instructions on how to set up the ignition on a motorcycle, including the IZ Jupiter 5.

During the operation of the vehicle, the owner faces many problems. The most serious failure is related to the engine. In order to spend significant funds on major repairs, it is necessary to monitor the technical condition of the motorcycle and carry out preventive work, including adjusting the valves and valves (video author - Hana Rulyu).

If you do not monitor the SZ, then the motorcycle engine may not reveal its full potential and will not work at full capacity. This can lead to a reduction in its service life. An ignition adjustment is necessary if the engine is running poorly, the muffler or carburetor is firing. True, before setting up the SZ, you should make sure that the cause of the malfunction is in it.

It happens that the flywheel bolt, which connects the two halves of the crankshaft, comes loose, begins to play and does not work well. Sometimes he even cuts the key.

Setting up the SZ may be necessary after repairing the ignition switch Izh Jupiter 5. The installation and connection itself are carried out according to the diagram.

SZ diagram of the IZh motorcycle

Step-by-step guide to installing and adjusting the ignition

To carry out the setup, you need to prepare a special tool, a tester, and a light bulb with two wires. A caliper will be needed as a depth gauge. To set the gap it is convenient to use a special feeler gauge.

1. Voltage tester 2. Caliper for measurements 3. Feeler gauges for setting the gap

Setting up SZ on IZ Jupiter 5 consists of the following steps:

  1. First open the generator cover.
  2. To make it more convenient to work, remove the right cover from the crankcase.
  3. Using the generator bolt, turn the crankshaft clockwise. It is necessary to ensure that the breaker contacts open to the maximum distance.
  4. Unscrew the screw a little and turn the eccentric. It is necessary to set a gap between the contacts equal to 0.4-0.6 mm. After this, tighten the screw well.
  5. Rotate the crankshaft in the direction of movement of the clock hand. The piston should be installed at TDC.
  6. You need to turn the crankshaft in the opposite direction, that is, counterclockwise. In this case, the piston should not reach TDC; a distance of approximately 3.0-3.5 mm should remain. By loosening the screws, you should establish the beginning of the contact closure. After this, the screws must be tightened tightly.
  7. To determine if the contacts are open, use a test light with wires. One wire must be connected to the breaker hammer terminal, and the other to ground. After turning on the ignition, when the contacts are closed, the light should light up.
  8. If BSZ is installed on IZ Jupiter, then there is no need to set the gap. To determine the moment you need to use a tester. The device should be set to measure voltage. The probes must be connected to the 2nd and 3rd contacts of the DC. While the modulator is not in the DC, the voltage reading on the tester should be 7 V. At the moment when the modulator is in the DC, the voltage reading should be in the range from 7 to 0 V. At this moment, a spark is formed.
  9. The procedure must be performed on each cylinder. It is advisable to start adjusting the gap on the left breaker. When the left breaker is configured, you can move on to the right one.

SZ motorcycle IZh
Having learned how to configure the electronic contactless SZ on the fifth model, apply your knowledge to set up the SZ on IZ Jupiter 3.

How to set up the ignition on an Izh Jupiter

For all Izhovods, there comes a time when their dear and beloved Izh breaks down. And we fix it and fix it. Not very experienced Izhovods may not know how to adjust the carburetor, change clutch discs, change the piston, or adjust the ignition. In this article we will look at how to properly configure the ignition on an Izh Jupiter.

If you have a fault with the ignition, they say it has gone wrong, the engine is not running well, the muffler or carburetor is shooting. It’s not a fact that it’s the ignition, it’s possible that it’s spark plugs, low-quality gasoline, or high-voltage wires, a high-voltage cap or bobbin. First, make sure that all of the above reasons are working properly and only then start adjusting the ignition. You need to start adjusting the ignition from the right cylinder, because The contacts of the right cylinder are located on the large breaker platform. Therefore, it will not be possible to set from the left cylinder. First, you need to set the gap on the breaker cams to 0.4 - 0.6 mm, use a feeler gauge for this. By turning the crankshaft by the armature bolt on the upper breaker (of the right cylinder, since it is located on the larger area of ​​the breaker 6, as shown in the figure), set the maximum opening of the contacts, loosen the bolt 5 and use the eccentric 4 to set the correct gap. After this, fix this gap by tightening bolt 5. In the same way, set the gap on the lower breaker (left cylinder). It is convenient to do all this by first unscrewing the spark plugs from both cylinders. Start setting the ignition timing of the right cylinder by screwing in the indicator that is included in the tool kit instead of a spark plug, or for very precise people you can do it by eye, which thread is used to catch the top dead center (TDC) with a screwdriver. Set the tick marks on the indicator so that the arrow at TDC is at zero. Lower the piston to an interval of 2.4-2.6 mm below top dead center by turning the crankshaft armature bolt counterclockwise. Unscrew screws 2, 3, 7, 8, hook up a 12 volt light bulb, one to ground, the other to the wire that goes to the cam, turn on the ignition, start setting the contact opening by turning the base 6. When the cams open, the light bulb will start to light. You need to catch this moment very precisely. And tighten bolts 2 and 7 to fix this set advance. Set the ignition timing of the second cylinder in the same way, only now turn the base plate 1. Try to set the ignition timing equally on both cylinders. Happy setup :-)

General information

IZ Jupiter 3 uses (BSZ) 1137.3734, intended for all models equipped with a 12-volt generator. The ignition coil module for Jupiter 4 or another model makes it possible to select the appropriate operating mode of the motor thanks to the serial connection of the output wires.

The device as a whole improves the technical parameters of the vehicle thanks to:

  • improved engine starting at low temperatures;
  • more stable operation of the power unit, which is achieved as a result of reducing the asynchrony of spark formation, as well as by optimizing the SZ advance angle in accordance with engine speed;
  • reducing the level of toxicity of exhaust gases, fuel consumption, as well as reducing deposits on spark plugs;
  • stable start of the power unit even on a battery that has run down to 6 volts, provided that certain models of ignition coils are used;
  • easier installation and maintenance of the system as a whole.

Required Parts

In order for the ignition system to work correctly, a number of auxiliary parts are required. They are listed below:

  • Switch for BSZ VAZ cars. You should not choose exclusively from the low price segment. The Astro switch has a lot of positive reviews;
  • Hall Sensor. The best option for Jupiter 5 is a similar manufacturer VAZ. By purchasing it in branded packaging, you protect yourself from counterfeits;
  • Ignition coil with two terminals. You should choose between the gazelle engine number 406 or Oka with an electronic ignition system;
  • A pair of silicone armor wires with rubber caps;
  • The modulator is a butterfly-shaped plate made of iron.


The most difficult stage is the production of the modulator. It is important to maintain the required shape. The more accurately the required dimensions are observed, the lower the likelihood of problems occurring after the system is implemented, that is, there will be no need to adjust it with a file. The ignition timing must match on any cylinder used.

The bolt hole must be located in the middle. Otherwise, the engine operation will not be synchronized. It is also recommended to check the integrity of the crankshaft bearings. If you find defects, you should immediately replace it.

The contact ignition is not able to work normally if the bearings are damaged. The thickness of the part should not exceed one and a half millimeters. If it is thin, it will not be possible to avoid deformation, and if it is thick, it will come into contact with the surface of the hall sensor housing.

To create the plate, it is allowed to use any material except steel. Aluminum and others should not be used as they are not magnetic. The drawing that must be followed can be found in the public domain. The presented diagram will be useful to those people who decide to modernize the vehicle ignition device. Below are methods for installing electrical ignition devices in Jupiter. It must be turned by a professional turner. He will make a simple disk and draw on it the markings of elementary distances between the corners. Then, in accordance with it, you will cut out the necessary sectors at home. The cost of the modulator is seventy rubles.

It is not advisable to use an ordinary plate, since its width is less than twelve millimeters. This will not be enough to fully accumulate the energy resource in the coil. Of course, it can be installed, but achieving four thousand revolutions per minute will become impossible.

In addition to the above you will need:

  • A stud with an applied thread of seven millimeters, pitch 1, as well as a pair of nuts with washers of the corresponding parameters.
    The priority material for these components is brass. This is explained by the least magnetization of the plate from the generator rotor. If you use a standard bolt, then difficulties may arise with the implementation of the ignition. The bolt tends to follow the modulator as it is tightened. However, it is necessary to observe the leading indicator, maintain the same position of the rotor and modulator, and tighten the bolt. It is advisable to use a pin, since many are not able to perform all the necessary actions in total;
  • A set of wires with connectors for ignition without contact from VAZ. This part can be purchased or made with your own hands.

Main stage

As noted in the assembly diagram of the Izh-Planet 5 box, further disassembly operations are carried out above the insides of the roof of the unit, since the secondary shaft and sector could remain in it. If it is necessary to remove them, you need to straighten the petals of the lock washer, unscrew the nut, remove the star and washer. Holding the gear very carefully to prevent the shaft from jumping out, the cover is moved to a clean and flat surface with the gear facing up.

It is worth noting that the bearing of this part of the assembly does not have a retaining ring. Therefore, when removing the shaft with bearing, the rollers may fall out, so be careful. If the specified element has exhausted a decent service life, there is a risk that when dismantling the secondary shaft, the outer ring may jump out of the seat and remain on the rollers. Next you need to start pressing out the oil seal. To do this, the installation rings are removed from the hole in the cover, after which the outer ring of the bearing is removed.

System assembly and installation

The contacts in the breaker, the capacitor, the ignition bobbins and the armor wires, which are part of the previous ignition device, are probably eliminated. The switch should be installed in the glove compartment on the right, and the ignition coil directly under the tank. There are no gaps for fastening on the reel, which means it can be attached using a thick layer of adhesive tape. The standard bolt is also eliminated along with other parts.

In place of the bolt, install a pin of the specified size and put on a washer. Then, the rotor is tightened with a nut located at its end. The hall sensor is attached to the stator by any means. The basic rule when installing it is to set the optimal cross-sectional distance of the modulator and the ratio of the radius and line of symmetry.

When the hall sensor can be secured, we apply the modulator. It should fit into the hole made in the sensor. In most situations, there is a discrepancy between the sizes, so it is necessary to place washers on the stud. If you manage to maintain the required gap, it is recommended to install an engraver and tighten the modulator with a third-party nut.

Caring for a sunrise motorcycle generator - how to remove, what to check and install correctly

Generator maintenance mainly comes down to tightening the threaded fasteners of the generator stator and rotor, as well as the wire terminals.

In order to remove the generator, you must:

  • disconnect the wires of the ignition circuit, sensor, brake light and direction indicators from the generator terminals;
  • unscrew the three screws securing the stator to the crankcase and remove the stator;
  • Unscrew the bolt securing the generator rotor and, with light, careful blows of a wooden hammer on opposite sides of the rotor, remove it from the trunnion and remove the key.

Checking the removed parts

After removing the generator stator and rotor, wash the parts with clean gasoline and carefully inspect them. Disassemble the wire fastening terminals on the stator. Wipe dry all insulating parts of the terminals.

Generator installation

Installation is carried out in the reverse order, in this case it is necessary:

  • check the runout of the generator rotor, which should be no more than 0.1 mm with the bolt secured;
  • tighten the generator stator without distortions, ensuring a tight fit to all three supports;
  • install the ignition correctly;
  • The generator wires must be securely fastened and well insulated from each other.

Final actions

You should put rubber caps on the armor wires, and insert the latter into the candlesticks or coil above. If you skip this step, the motorcycle will stall when riding in rainy weather, as moisture will get into the battery.

By inserting spark plugs into the tip, it will be possible to maintain excellent contact between the battery and the volume of the vehicle. Now you will need a pre-purchased set of wires. The switch, coil and hall sensor are connected by wiring. She needs to be isolated. Of the entire mass, only a common plus is required.

General information

IZ Jupiter 3 uses (BSZ) 1137.3734, intended for all models equipped with a 12-volt generator. The ignition coil module for Jupiter 4 or another model makes it possible to select the appropriate operating mode of the motor thanks to the serial connection of the output wires.

The device as a whole improves the technical parameters of the vehicle thanks to:

  • improved engine starting at low temperatures;
  • more stable operation of the power unit, which is achieved as a result of reducing the asynchrony of spark formation, as well as by optimizing the SZ advance angle in accordance with engine speed;
  • reducing the level of toxicity of exhaust gases, fuel consumption, as well as reducing deposits on spark plugs;
  • stable start of the power unit even on a battery that has run down to 6 volts, provided that certain models of ignition coils are used;
  • easier installation and maintenance of the system as a whole.

Setting the appropriate options

Setting up the BSZ on Izh Jupiter 5 also requires special attention. The ignition is turned on with the tachometer connected. After thirty seconds, indicators of 3000, 4000, 5000 rpm should appear on the device panel. If they are present, then the switch is working correctly.

In other cases, you should pay attention to previously grounded candles. We insert a screwdriver into the hall connector and then pull it out. A spark should appear on the spark plugs. If it was not possible to cause a spark using the steps described above, then the reason for the incorrect operation is incorrect connections.

The setup looks like this. The dial indicator is unscrewed and the cylinder piston is adjusted. Having connected the voltmeter to the second and third connectors, you need to start rotating the modulator axis. After a jump from 7 to 0.1 volts is detected, the modulator must be secured with a nut. Usually the required advance angle is set.

The test run should be successful if you install the components yourself according to the instructions. Now you can use BSZ.

Many owners of Izhmash equipment set the ignition themselves. This process is not difficult if you understand the structure of the system and the principle of operation. The article gives instructions on how to do it on a motorcycle, including the IZH Jupiter 5.


Features of electrical equipment

Despite the unification of parts with other models, the IZH Yu5 wiring diagram was chosen for battery use.

We are talking about a contact ignition system, which, if the battery is dead, immediately creates problems for the owner:

  1. Starting the engine is difficult;
  2. The engine runs intermittently;
  3. Driving at low speeds further drains the battery.

Therefore, many owners prefer to upgrade their ignition system with their own hands to a more progressive one - a contactless electronic type. It should also be noted that repairing the wiring of IZ Jupiter 5 should there be a desire for such an upgrade (see also the article about the wiring diagram of IZ Planet 5).

Transition to a contactless ignition system

Over the years of operation, the owners of IZH Jupiter 5 have developed more than one instruction for altering the electrical network. And almost all of them are based on elements from other domestic motorcycles (see also the features of the Ural motorcycle wiring diagram).

But there is a more progressive way in which:

  1. The generator and wiring remain on IZ Jupiter 5;
  2. Minor modifications are made to the electrical circuit;
  3. The battery remains for servicing auxiliary systems.

Ignition system modernization

We are talking about modernizing the ignition system with the combined use of elements from the VAZ-2108 car and the Planet 5 motorcycle.

At the same time, the wiring diagram for IZ Jupiter 5 remains the same:

  1. Two Hall sensors are installed;
  2. Two electronic switches are connected to them (items 1 and 2 - from VAZ). Each sensor-commutator pair covers 1 cylinder;
  3. Two ignition coils from a motorcycle of the IZh family.

In the diagram above, the numbers indicate:

  1. Spark plug;
  2. Reels Planet 5;
  3. G8 switches;
  4. Hall sensors from the "eight";
  5. Egnition lock;
  6. Accumulator battery.

Modification of the generator

This technology for switching to a contactless ignition system is interesting because the motorcycle owner does not need to buy a new generator designed to work in an electronic ignition system. Accordingly, the cost of rework will be minimal.


  1. Make a modulator that will interrupt the circuit;
  2. And install it on the generator (on the rotor shaft).

A metal plate with a hole drilled in it for a mounting bolt can serve as such a modulator-chopper.

Photo of the only element that you have to make yourself

The modulator installation procedure is as follows:

  1. The modulator plate (in the diagram below under No. 2) is installed under the mounting bolt;
  2. Slightly attracted to him;
  3. By rotating the crankshaft, set the piston to TDC;
  4. We set the ignition timing;
  5. Tighten the plate with the mounting bolt.

The electrical wiring of IZH Jupiter 5 remains unchanged when altering the generator.

In what cases is ignition adjustment necessary?

During the operation of the vehicle, the owner faces many problems. The most serious failure is related to the engine. In order to spend significant funds on major repairs, it is necessary to monitor the technical condition of the motorcycle and carry out preventive work, including adjusting the valves and valves (video author - Hana Rulyu).

If you do not monitor the SZ, then the motorcycle engine may not reveal its full potential and will not work at full capacity. This can lead to a reduction in its service life. An ignition adjustment is necessary if the engine is running poorly, the muffler or carburetor is firing. True, before setting up the SZ, you should make sure that the cause of the malfunction is in it.

It happens that the flywheel bolt, which connects the two halves of the crankshaft, comes loose, begins to play and does not work well. Sometimes he even cuts the key.

Setting up the SZ may be necessary after repairing lock 5. The installation and connection itself are carried out according to the diagram.

Improved ride quality

The icing on the cake, and in our case the final touch of tuning, is the improvement in driving performance. Some of the tuners approached this issue earlier when they sawed the frame of their motorcycle or raised the tail of a future crossover. For the rest, first of all, you should get rid of your original tires. Among its advantages, only wear resistance can be noted, for which you pay with your safety. It is both universal and useless. The lugs are practically useless; if they get into a mess, under normal conditions on the highway it is noisy, but relatively holds the road, turning into a killer on a wet highway.

Therefore, without hesitation, we throw it away and purchase road, cross or all-purpose tires, based on your requirements. The second point is the suspension. If everything is generally clear with the rear shock absorbers, they are extremely reliable and, in addition, have stiffness settings, then the front fork does not leak only for those who have chosen a different brand. There are two ways to get out of this situation. The first is to add thicker oil. The second is to carry out a complete overhaul of the feathers and replace all parts. Both options do not last long, so the most demanding owners simply change the fork to an imported one, while the rest endure all the shortcomings of their iron horse.

Step-by-step guide to installing and adjusting the ignition

To carry out the setup, you need to prepare a special tool, a tester, and a light bulb with two wires. A caliper will be needed as a depth gauge. To set the gap it is convenient to use a special feeler gauge.

Setting up SZ on IZ Jupiter 5 consists of the following steps:

  1. First open the generator cover.
  2. To make it more convenient to work, remove the right cover from the crankcase.
  3. Using the generator bolt, turn the crankshaft clockwise. It is necessary to ensure that the breaker contacts open to the maximum distance.
  4. Unscrew the screw a little and turn the eccentric. It is necessary to set a gap between the contacts equal to 0.4-0.6 mm. After this, tighten the screw well.
  5. Rotate the crankshaft in the direction of movement of the clock hand. The piston should be installed at TDC.
  6. You need to turn the crankshaft in the opposite direction, that is, counterclockwise. In this case, the piston should not reach TDC; a distance of approximately 3.0-3.5 mm should remain. By loosening the screws, you should establish the beginning of the contact closure. After this, the screws must be tightened tightly.
  7. To determine if the contacts are open, use a test light with wires. One wire must be connected to the breaker hammer terminal, and the other to ground. After turning on the ignition, when the contacts are closed, the light should light up.
  8. If BSZ is installed on IZ Jupiter, then there is no need to set the gap. To determine the moment you need to use a tester. The device should be set to measure voltage. The probes must be connected to the 2nd and 3rd contacts of the DC. While the modulator is not in the DC, the voltage reading on the tester should be 7 V. At the moment when the modulator is in the DC, the voltage reading should be in the range from 7 to 0 V. At this moment, a spark is formed.
  9. The procedure must be performed on each cylinder. It is advisable to start adjusting the gap on the left breaker. When the left breaker is configured, you can move on to the right one.

Ignition adjustment, but let's start with a little introduction.

If now motorcycles from foreign manufacturers predominate on the roads, then literally 20-30 years ago only domestic Izh “Jupiter” and “Planet” rode on our roads. 2 years difference in production, identical appearance, there are not many differences in them, but still Jupiter-5 wins due to its two-cylinder engine and its easier starting.

Main components:

  • Two-stroke, two-cylinder 347.6 engine;
  • Air or liquid cooling system;
  • Automatic clutch release mechanism;
  • Drum brakes;
  • 18 wheels;
  • The steering wheel has a conventional instrument panel (speedometer, ignition lamp, etc.);
  • Two shock absorbers. Setting up the ignition on Izh Jupiter 5 must be done in compliance with all rules. To do this, you need to know the exact algorithm of actions when carrying out this event. Therefore, in this article we will describe in detail how to set the ignition on Izh Jupiter-5.


The owner can independently perform some maintenance procedures:

  • check the motorcycle generator if the battery loses charge;
  • set the gap between the breaker contacts;
  • adjust the quality of the sound signal.

The need to inspect and adjust the wiring arises if:

  • the motorcycle moves in the rain for a long time, as this causes oxidation of the contacts;
  • a motorcyclist rides in an area with a lot of vegetation that damages wiring;
  • The driver rides in snow in winter, which can stick to electrical wiring parts and damage them.

Self-check of the Planet 5 motorcycle generator in case of loss of charge

The cause of loss of charge in the IZH Planet 5 battery is most often a breakdown of the generator.

To check it yourself you need:

  • multimeter device;
  • straight screwdriver.

Step-by-step instruction

The following steps must be followed:

  1. Disconnect the wires from the battery and remove the generator cover.
  2. Disconnect the top 5 wires from the generator, first unscrewing their fastenings. In order not to mix up the wires during assembly, it is worth marking them.
  3. Measure the winding resistance using a multimeter in ohmmeter mode. To do this, you need to touch the body with one probe, and the other should be connected in turn to the 3 wires of the winding. There should be no short circuits, as indicated by the inscription on the multimeter screen.
  4. Test the resistance between the stator contacts: you need to touch them one by one with the multimeter probes. The value on the screen should be 8 ohms.

The presence of a short circuit in the 3rd stage or a discrepancy in the indicators in the 4th will indicate problems with the generator.

Photo gallery: stages of checking the IZH Planet 5 generator in case of loss of charge in pictures

How to correctly set the gap between the contacts of the breaker?

In order to set the gap between the breaker contacts, you will need:

  • straight screwdriver;
  • wrench 10;
  • candle key;
  • probe 0.4 mm thick (+/– 0.05 mm).

Next, you need to follow the steps sequentially:

  1. Place the motorcycle on a stand and place the gearbox in neutral.
  2. Remove the right crankcase cover and unscrew the spark plug.
  3. Using a 10mm wrench, grab the generator rotor mounting bolt and turn the crankshaft to a position where the contacts are as far apart as possible.
  4. Loosen the screw securing the contact.
  5. Place the probe between the contacts and adjust the tightening of the eccentric screw until the probe passes the contacts with little resistance.
  6. Tighten the contact fixing screw.

Photo gallery: adjusting the gap between the breaker contacts

Troubleshooting the audio signal and improving signal quality

Poor sound signal quality is mainly caused by improper adjustment.

The following tools will be needed for setup:

  • wrench 7;
  • a simple screwdriver.

Setting up contact ignition on Izh Jupiter - 5

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to set up contact ignition on this device:

  1. Align the piston of the desired cylinder: - insert a screwdriver into the cylinder - rotate the crankshaft while holding the screwdriver
  2. Take a ruler and place it next to the screwdriver.
  3. Rotate the crankshaft, holding the screwdriver down with your finger so that it is level. We find a dead point.
  4. Turn the crankshaft in the opposite direction (1.5-2 mm).
  5. A spark is generated when the cam opens, locate the two adjusting bolts.
  6. Take a light bulb with two contacts, connect one to ground, the other to the contact.
  7. Turn on the ignition switch.
  8. You need to find the moment when the light comes on (the moment it lights up, the start occurs), and when it goes out, the contact closes on the contrary.
  9. Turn off the ignition, do and adjust the same with the second cylinder

Switch P-200

Light switch with horn button (located on the left side of the steering wheel). To switch the low and high beam circuit, a P-200 type switch is used with a built-in push-button horn switch for three operating positions: neutral - the headlight lamp is off; far right – low beam is on; far left – high beam is on.

The horn button has a movable contact connected to ground and a fixed contact connected to one of the wires coming from the horn terminal. When you press the button, the contacts close and the signal circuit is completed.

Ignition adjustment Izh Jupiter - 5

After all the adjustment manipulations are done, the turn comes for an operation called Izh Jupiter-5 - ignition adjustment.

It is better to produce from the following devices:

  • Device K-25 - has an indicator head that fits into the holes for spark plugs or bushings and a knob with divisions from the tool
  • Lamps 12 V, 2 W - with their help you can determine the moment of opening the necessary contacts of the breakers. The lamp must be connected to ground and the breaker terminal of the corresponding cylinder (for this, lamps with wires are used at the end), on which the ignition timing is adjusted.


The motorcycle is equipped with a 3-phase alternator, which has an electromagnetic excitation circuit. The principle of its operation is based on some features. So, the electrical circuit of “IZH Planet-4” looks like this: the current is supplied to the rectifier, which, in turn, converts it into direct current, then supplies it to consumers. The factory instructions for the generator contain the following elements:

Voltage regulator with rectifier “BPV-14-10”;

The head light circuit consists of the rear brake light, parking light and color control light. The motorcycle is equipped with a speedometer with mileage indicators (daily and total), a tachometer, indicator lamps for turn signals and head lights, a voltmeter and an engine temperature sensor. Very often during operation it is necessary to adjust the gap between the contacts of the breaker. To do this, it is best to use a diagram and special tools to know which elements need to be dismantled.

While easily fixing mechanical failures, motorcyclists experience difficulties if the electrics fail. It’s completely in vain, the wiring diagram of the planet Izh 5 is not complicated, it’s easy to figure out.

There is no need to have special stands and equipment for repairs. A minimum knowledge of electrical engineering and a simple avometer (tester) is enough; even often you can get by with just a test lamp.

We will tell you in more detail about the main electrical wiring components and possible malfunctions. The Izh Planet wiring diagram makes it easy to find a broken wire or damaged insulation (for example, a bad contact always gets hot).

In this case, we look to see if there is a spark at the coil output and at the output at the spark plug contact. Let's take a closer look at the main wiring components of the Izh Planet.

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