Biker stripes - what are they for and the meaning of the stripes ba

All kinds of patches and various kinds of stripes have long been part of our everyday clothes, and it is worth saying that they have taken root quite well. Patches today rarely have any hidden meaning, but there are still some symbols that are used in certain circles. In ordinary life, such a patch can be used to distinguish which club or party a particular person belongs to. Of course, bikers are no exception, which is why today there are a huge number of biker patches. So, what are biker stripes, what are they, and what do they mean? Read on.

Where did the stripes come from?

If we tell you from the very beginning, then stripes on clothes appeared a very long time ago. It is generally accepted that various icons and marks have come into the modern world since the war. Then every soldier had stripes on his clothes, so that in battle, and among his comrades, it would be clear who you were. Almost every fighter had a badge indicating his belonging to one or another army of troops, and a badge indicating his status.

Nowadays, we can find stripes on the clothes of not only soldiers, but also ordinary citizens. If we take as an example people who are not involved in any organs or forces, then for the most part, stripes on clothes mean little. However, biker patches have recently become very common and are mainly used by American motorcyclists. Nowhere are motorcycle clubs more developed than in America, where the first motorcycles came from.

Biker patches and their meanings

A little history of clothing:

Leather jacket, also known as “leather jacket” . A biker jacket is a short leather jacket with a narrowed waist and a diagonal zipper. It is from this oblique “zipper,” called “tractor” in youth slang, that the jacket got its name. This arrangement of the “zipper” (the leather jacket, in its male version, is fastened from the left hip to the right shoulder) gave the jacket a resemblance to military uniforms from the American Civil War. The first motorcycle jacket with a slanted collar (biker jacket) appeared in 1928. It was made by one of the brothers who founded the Schott company, Irwin Schott. The brothers were the first to install a zipper on a leather jacket. Biker jacket is the Russian-language name for the world-famous jacket; in the original, this model was called perfecto after the brand of Irwin Shot’s favorite cigars. Schott clothing was actively used (and is still used) for their needs by aviation, the navy, the police and, of course, all sorts of informal movements. Although the military was a regular customer, the biker jacket is strictly a motorcycle jacket. Marlon Brando added a sharp jump in popularity to the jacket when he played a rebel-hooligan wearing this jacket in the film “The Savage” (1953). Since then, leather jackets with a bias cut have remained a symbol of freedom around the world among truckers, bikers, musicians of all kinds, etc. The history of the leather jacket began in the early 40s of the last century, during the Second World War. Aviation was actively used in this war, but at that time aircraft did not yet fly in the stratosphere, were not equipped with pressurized cabins, and many pilots generally preferred to fly with open glazing, and therefore the cockpits of aircraft of that time were blown through by oncoming air currents. Therefore, the pilots needed special clothing that could protect them well from the wind. That’s when a special jacket for pilots was created, which later became known as a “leather jacket” (in English “flying jacket”). Biker jackets are distinguished from ordinary leather jackets by particularly durable and thick leather with a lining, a narrowed waist, often with a belt, adjustable sizing, a leather pleat on the back (for freedom of movement) and elongated sleeves (to fully cover even outstretched arms) with zippers near the wrists - for this purpose so that over the sleeves it is possible to wear leather gloves with long bells (gaiters). In addition, the biker jacket differs from other styles of jackets in the characteristic asymmetrical placement of the zipper - on the chest the jacket had a large overlap of skin so that the chest and neck were less exposed to air during the flight. The pilots bought themselves motorcycles (and at that time Harley-Davidson motorcycles were especially held in high esteem due to the lack of alternatives), and joined the ranks of American bikers. And leather jackets came in handy for them due to their protective properties and convenience (there was no special motorcycle equipment at that time). Indeed, biker jackets have elbow pads and shoulder pads made of stronger leather, which, in combination with leather pants and knee pads, provides very good protection against “asphalt disease” when falling from the bike. But it was not only the practical qualities of the leather jacket that made it so popular. Those who were not in the war were imbued with the fighting spirit and history of the jacket, its special cut and style, plus the association with the appearance of a courageous veteran warrior - all this, in addition to its comfort and windproofness, made the “biker jacket” not just a leather jacket, and a symbol of bikers all over the world. But the spread of the “leather jacket” was not limited to the world of motorcycles. The first person in the world of music to wear a leather jacket was none other than the king of rock and roll, Elvis Presley. Many Elvis fans around the world immediately adopted the fashion of their idol - so the leather jacket became an element of the image of not only bikers, but also rock musicians.

Engineer's boots (in our word kirzachi) are one of many types of leather shoes. This type of shoe is often worn by motorcyclists. Boots are most often made of thick black leather and have a rounded or almost square toe. The height range of the boots can be from 25 cm to almost one meter. The most common are boots with a height of 25 to 46 cm.

Engineer's boots are made to protect the feet from damage, as well as to protect the motorcyclist from burns when coming into contact with hot engine parts while riding. Engineer's boots may contain an integrated metal toe or a metal plate in the sole, and often consist of two layers of leather. Engineer boots have adjustable leather straps at the top of the shaft and at the ankle for a more comfortable fit on the foot. The sole and heel are made of hard rubber.

Rich Urban Biker. In America, and throughout the world, the letter abbreviation Rub's, derived from Rich Urban Biker (rich urban biker), has become widespread. This term refers to wealthy owners of motorcycles that look like they came straight out of a catalog or magazine cover, but at their core are far from the philosophy of bikers. For most Rub's, the motorcycle and everything associated with it is just fashionable fun. They may make more noise than real bikers, their motorcycles may sound louder, but this is nothing more than tinsel.

In Russia, this phenomenon is called a “plush/toy biker” or “weekend biker” and, unfortunately, accounts for more than 80% (or even 90%) of those who consider themselves a biker. Appearance: — Harley-Davidson or its Jeep equivalent. A stock cruiser whose owner considers and calls it a “chopper.” Usually such motorcycles cost more than 30 thousand dollars. An ordinary person, and even more so a biker who spends most of his time on the road, is unlikely to be able to afford such a toy unless he assembles it himself. — Gold Wing. Honestly, it doesn't look like a motorcycle at all. Most cars don't have as many features as this vehicle can offer. The only thing missing is a roof and side wheels. How can you understand the beauty of riding a motorcycle while sitting behind the wheel of a two-wheeler? The price is not inferior, or even superior to the above-mentioned cruisers. (An interesting point, Hunter S. Thompson mentions in his book "Hell's Angels" that in the 60s only cops and motorcycles rode motorcycles with full body kit - with panniers, windshields, bars, etc., etc. homosexuals). — Skull mask. I bought it thinking that it would look cool and “dangerous” to others, although those around me never thought that it ever was or would be cool. - Motorcycle boots. Sneakers, sneakers, moccasins - it’s all okay! Only expensive leather motorcycle boots. You can even wrap one boot with electrical tape to make it look “worn in”, or like in a Hollywood movie about “tough guys”. - Abundance of leather. The leather fetish came to motorcycle culture from gay motorcyclists. Chains, spikes, rivets, belts - all this was the attribute of gay sadomasochists. Simply put, rock musicians took the style from the chimney sweepers, after which the style became closely associated with rock culture and bikers. “Rejected” motorcyclists abandoned the “leather underwear set” back in the 60s, starting to dress as they were primarily comfortable, with the exception of a piece of clothing with “flowers”. And a self-respecting motorcyclist will never wear a jacket or trousers with a bohram. - Sons Of Anarchy. If you see any element on a motorcyclist that somehow references this series (rings, emblems, airbrushing, tattoos), then he is either an asshole (a fan of the series also fits into this term) or a representative of the species being analyzed. For wearing “colors” that are not yours (and they are clearly not yours, even if) you can easily get injured (at best). There is nothing strange here, try to go to the CSKA bar wearing Spartak paraphernalia, people, to put it mildly, will not understand you. - Labels. This is already something hipster or glamorous. An adequate person, first of all, buys a certain thing because of its quality and convenience, but obviously not so that everyone can see how cool he is, that he could afford to buy real American jeans for 500 bucks. — Scarf/bandana in back pocket. Why is he there? And everything is simple: in order to wipe your hands, snot or sweat from your face (well, or leaking grease). Convenient - wipe it off and put the edge in your back pocket so as not to stain all your clothes. The scarf quickly becomes “dirty.” Why our subjects wear a clean and ironed bandana in their back pocket is not clear. Although no! Homosexuals indicate their orientation in this way: in the left pocket you are “on top”, in the right pocket you are “passive”. The color of the scarf denotes sexual preference.


Ace of Spades and Flying Eye

So, the most popular biker patches are the following:

Ace of spades

The Ace of Spades, or as American motorcyclists call it Ace of Spades, is one of the highest cards in the deck. The meaning of such a patch can be interpreted in different ways, but among motorcyclists, it is generally accepted that the ace of spades represents a symbol of fearlessness. If you see such a patch on a biker’s jacket, then most likely he is not afraid of dangers or any difficulties. Of course, any motorcyclist may have such a patch on his jacket, and perhaps he is not as brave as he wants to appear. But our task is to tell you about what biker patches are and their meaning.

flying eye

The English name of this patch is interpreted as Flying Eyeball. For the most part, this badge can be found on biker travelers or simply those who often go on long trips. The meaning of this patch is of great importance for such bikers, since a long road is always dangerous. The flying eye is a kind of amulet or guardian angel who flies into the wind with you and makes sure that everything is fine. In general, the Flying Eyeball is a rather unique symbol - it was painted on cars, motorcycles, and even made into amulet tattoos.

Material and color of jewelry

Biker jewelry is made from inexpensive, but strong and durable materials. It can be steel, titanium or brass. Their main difference from ordinary accessories is their massiveness. Even women's jewelry cannot be thin and delicate. Decorations should be noticeable and always in plain sight.

Silver is highly prized, especially its shine, which matches the shine of the chrome elements of the motorcycle. In addition, silver jewelry goes well with dark-colored clothing. Gold is not often used due to its special softness.

The story of the biker bell

Guardian Bell or biker bell is also a kind of amulet for lovers of two-wheeled vehicles. There is a whole story about how the biker bell patch came to be. In short, one of the motorcyclists was heading home late at night, and not noticing a large hole in the night, he fell into it and fell off the bike. In his bag he carried toys for his children and among them were bells.

The motorcyclist was seriously injured and began to call for help, simultaneously ringing his bells. Hearing the ringing, a couple of bikers who stopped nearby headed towards the sound and soon discovered a wounded motorcyclist. Since that time, the biker bell has been a symbol of motorcycle friendship and mutual assistance. If you see such a patch on a motorcyclist’s jacket, then you can know that this biker is protected by the most important thing in life - the friendship of his motorcycle brothers, who will always come to the rescue.


An equally popular biker patch is a diamond-shaped patch with the inscription “1%” inside it. By sewing such a diamond on their jacket, motorcyclists demonstrate their contempt for the law. This patch appeared after a speech by the head of the American Motorcycle Association. In his speech, he said that, in his opinion, 99% of all American motorcyclists are fairly good and law-abiding citizens. He called such citizens white and fluffy, which the American bikers naturally did not like.

As a protest, motorcyclists actively began sewing diamond-shaped biker patches onto their jackets. As you may have guessed, the inscription “1%” symbolized that small part of motorcyclists who are not afraid of the law and are ready to break any traffic rules. Therefore, if you see such a badge on one of the bikers, then you can easily expect something illegal from him.

History of the Iron Cross as an award

According to the legend about the creation of this symbol, the King of Prussia, Frederick William III, was inspired by the Teutonic cross. Because Prussia has always been proud of its historical connection with the Teutonic Order. And in 1813, the Iron Cross became an official military award, which was awarded to those who distinguished themselves in the process of liberating the country from Napoleon's troops.

In the subsequent war of 1871, Prussia defeated French forces, united with Germany and formed the German Empire, which adopted many of the highest Prussian military awards, including the Iron Cross.

Then there was the First World War, in which the Iron Crosses were also actively awarded to distinguished fighters. But in much greater numbers than in previous wars. The award became famous and widespread. Even the still unknown corporal Adolf Hitler received one such Iron Cross, First Class.

He revived the practice of issuing Iron Crosses in 1939. Only I slightly corrected the design of the order - I added a swastika in the center and changed the color of the order ribbon from black and white to black, white and red.

It is also worth noting that it was not only Prussia and Nazi Germany that used the recognizable shape of the Iron Cross as a military decoration. In the Russian Empire, the Order of St. George the Victorious had almost the same shape, only with a small circle in the center, and in Great Britain - the Victoria Cross.


And the last patches we'll talk about are abbreviation patches. Such stripes succinctly reveal some long phrase, which is the motto of the biker.

One such acronym is ACAB (All Cops Are Bastard). If literally translated into Russian, this patch stands for “All police are bastards.”

FTW – Forever Two Wheels. Another acronym, but this time kinder. This badge indicates that the biker has connected his life with two-wheeled vehicles forever. “Two wheels forever,” this is what the literal translation from English will sound like.

In conclusion, I would like to say that stripes are a purely individual matter. Biker stripes and their meaning are worth knowing only for general development, since they are very rare outside of America.

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