Regal Raptor DD 50E owner review: 2013 Regal Raptor DD 50E, My first mini chopper


So I ran, “Dinosaur” a little over 3000 km at a time... I ran faithfully.

During this time, the mirrors were changed (a hurricane hit someone standing in the parking lot), the headlights were replaced many times, the brake sensor was cleaned, the wiring for the turn signals was changed, the oil was changed and the chain was lubricated on schedule, the speedometer cable was replaced and all the brake and gas cables were lubricated.

The only “breakdown” that delayed us on the road was a dropped throttle needle. How and why? - Mystery. How I got out of the situation is in another story.

For a little over three thousand, the consumption was, in a circle, 2 liters per hundred. The price of one kilometer is 1 ruble 11 kopecks. It is worth recognizing that the increase in consumption and maintenance occurred when traveling to the country. This is understandable - dust, rough terrain, rain and dirt required more frequent maintenance and increased fuel consumption. (Before the dacha stage it was 1.7 per hundred, 92 kopecks per kilometer).

Assessing the average speed by type of road and their location, the following statistics were obtained:

1. City highways - average speed 38 km/h

2. Country roads with good asphalt surface – 56 km/h

3. Regional highways (so-so surface with bumps and holes) - 49 km/h

4. Roads without asphalt (crushed stone) – 32 km/h

5. Roads without asphalt coating (dry-wet primer) – 21 km/h

Maximum speeds... Oh... How much they talked about the maximum speed... My maximum speed (according to GPS data) was as much as 298 km/h! And this is not a typo - it was a “cold” start of GPS in motion that led to such results. And the real speed (recorded by GPS and visually on the speedometer) is 91 km/h on a descent a little more than a kilometer long with a (almost) tailwind. It would have probably been possible to squeeze out more, but it was somehow scary, and the road surface was not in ideal condition.

Separately, I would like to note the behavior of “Dinosaur”

...on a road with spilled tar.

Imagine a large car pouring streams of tar onto the road. Then crushed stone is poured there... For now, only tar... Controllability drops sharply. “Champing” sounds from under the front and rear wheels do not add to optimism. Road adhesion is equal to the viscosity of tar. And I will also note! Tar, from wheels, on mopeds and clothes!

...on a road with freshly poured crushed stone.

At first I thought that tar on the road was the most unpleasant thing... BUT! The most unpleasant thing awaited me on the way back. The road was covered with crushed stone. Theoretically, the crushed stone should stick to the tar. In practice, some of the crushed stone sticks to the tar, some does not stick, and some comes off when a machine passes over it. In addition, stuck crushed stone creates ruts. Driving on this surface is similar to driving on removed asphalt. Exchange rate stability is no worse. And... Rubble flying from under oncoming trucks... At that moment, I really regretted that I did not have a fully closed helmet. I felt this especially acutely after a pebble hit my shin. What if the face was just below the glasses?

However, no one is immune from the problem of “bad roads”. At the end of the tarmac road, on the side of the road, I noticed a motorcyclist on a poisonous yellow Kawasaki sports car. His problems, compared to mine, were more noticeable. Somewhere on the rubble, he was thrown onto his right side. Everything worked out well, except that the tank was punctured, and he stood on the side of the road without gasoline. The hole was sealed with a wooden plug, gasoline (2 liters) was poured. On this we parted. Still, he moves faster than me along the highway...

It is noteworthy that among motorcyclists, mutual assistance is greater than among motorists. I noticed this when I was repairing the carburetor myself. And when I cleaned/lubricated the chain on the track. Motorcyclists stopped and asked, “How can I help?” In the auto environment, this is already a rarity.

Attitude of traffic police/traffic police.

The further you are from civilization, the more surprising this device causes. General disgust can be defined as “positive”. True, as always, it cannot be done without oddities. (However, this is a separate topic)

Relationship with motorists.

Here as everywhere else. All people are different... Some are correct, some are crazy... There are certain statistics on the adequacy of the type of car. Just using these statistics is useless. In difficult situations, only your own ADEQUACY and ATTENTION can save you.


In general and in particular, I do not regret my choice! I hope that “Dinosaur” doesn’t regret mine. Judging by his behavior, we are not going to let each other down.

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Regal Raptor DD 50E owner review: 2013 Regal Raptor DD 50E, My first mini chopper

From the age of 15 I dreamed of becoming a biker, riding a huge brutal chopper (thanks to the TV series Sons of Anarchy for this). And so, at the age of 18, my dream came true. Because I don’t yet own the rights, perhaps they will appear by the end of the year, I found some replacement on the Internet, in the form of this chopper, which has a 110 cc engine, marked 49.5. That is, until the rights to mopeds have come into force, they are not needed. I came to the store to look. My first reaction was something like “WOW, WOW, IT’S HUGE, YOU CAN’T EVEN CALL IT MINI.” My height is 187, but, as they say, my legs didn’t climb onto the steering wheel, it fits very well. They turned it on and turned it off. I immediately noticed that it sounded as if there were 400, or even 700 cubic meters, that is, quite powerful, a typical chopper “gurgling sound”. Well, after about an hour, it was finally processed, all the documents were in order, I bought a helmet there, and delivery was scheduled for the next day. I’ll say right away that I bought it for rides in the country, learning to drive, etc. They had to lead him to the house, and there my dad and I loaded him into his truck and dragged him to the dacha, so as not to overpay for delivery. They brought it and unloaded it. I immediately climbed around it, felt it, and filled it up (it took a long time to figure out how to open the tank lid, since this was the first time we had encountered something like this). I decided not to change the oil, only during the first 500 km, because... it hasn't been broken in yet. Turned it on, enjoying the sounds, and warmed it up. I set off and drove off (the first time, I had already accelerated to 3rd gear, I thought I couldn’t do it). I’ll say right away that each gear is quite short: the first one already rips and thrashes the engine at 20, the second at 35, the third at 45, well, and 4 as much as the engine can pull. You have to switch pretty quickly.

Now in general. I’ll say right away that this, no matter how handsome it is, is Chinese shit. I've had it for about a month in total, and the accumulated mileage reaches almost 500 km. During this time, almost immediately, the rubber band on one footboard fell off (even though I tightened all the bolts). While driving, the muffler fell off from the rear mount, where the passenger's step was. The bolt is lost, almost falling off the engine. Upon arrival home, it was discovered. that a piece of the engine where the muffler is attached broke off. Yesterday, while turning a corner, the tube in the tire exploded. I had to crash out of surprise, fortunately the speed was 40 km per hour, and on a country road where there were few cars. Result: quite a severe burn on the thigh + a minor scratch. The turn signals were torn off, they said, rubber turn signals - if you bend them, they return to their place. I don’t know how they managed to break away, but that’s the gist of it. In one of them the wire turned out to be broken, which is why the right turn signal stopped working and the emergency lights turned on. It seems like everything was fixed, they even changed the turn signal relay. The problem has not gone away. I don't know what the problem is. It was not possible to put them back; two heads (mine and my father, who is a driver with 25 years of experience), could not come up with anything. I had to tape it on for now. A bolt missing from the wing. The rear shock absorber nut turned out to be torn off when I tried to tighten it. It was just hanging there. I had to install my own nut. A very bad clutch stick, I don’t know what exactly to call it, it took a very long time to set it up, for a whole week, everything seemed to switch, the next day there was a failure, and then no. Or it switches only to the first one, and then not. Now everything seems to be set up and everything is fine. But it's a problem. It seems like that’s all of the minuses of Chinese shit for now. One thing. The gasoline consumption stated by the seller was justified. The capacity of the tank is about 6 liters, I rode 200 km, I even had to fill up an incomplete tank. That is, 2 per 100 km is quite suitable.

I will write the pros separately in the pros.

Bottom line. I very much regretted that I didn’t buy some used Honda Magna 50, 10 thousand more expensive, but it was Japanese. I was a little disappointed, but I won’t give up on my idea and goal. The photo was taken immediately upon arrival at the dacha.

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under their guise they sell Chinese noname

the raptors themselves were very reliable and not whimsical

in the photo even the frame is not raptor and from the needle

the motors on them were of DADYW’s own production; they cost 20-30 thousand to take care of without repair. I myself have 2 of these ratators, the one in the photo is a terrible clone


Regal Raptor DD50E. Start

Even as a child, I had three dreams: Guitar, tattoo and motorcycle.

I bought a guitar during my school years, got a tattoo in my first years of college, but I still couldn’t get enough of a motorcycle.

It all started back in May 2012, when I was simply drawn to the topic of a motorcycle. The question arose of what to buy so that it would be 1-cheap, 2-suitable for a beginner and 3-not a stool.

In general, initially I didn’t consider options larger than a moped because I really didn’t want to bother with a category A license (especially since at that time I was already actively studying for category B). There was a very small choice left from all sorts of different scooters and Soviet heritage. I dismissed both immediately. I never liked scooters, and I didn’t want to get involved with Soviet technology because I have to mix oil into gasoline, and I’m too lazy to do that.

In general, I thought for a long time and practically decided to take the ZID Pilot with the new 4T engine, but then the most banal thing happened - the beginning of the season and prices skyrocketed. Somehow, quite by accident, I came across a MOTO magazine of the year, like 2004 or 2005, and on the cover there was an advertisement for IronEagle. Here it is, I thought - a moped, but it looks so grown-up!

No sooner said than done, I found a seller, took the money, and went after work to look.

Evening, sunset, South Butovo. At the exit from the metro, I was met by a group of informals in as many as three Raptors, two of which looked like they had been tuned with a sledgehammer. I sat down with one and went to the habitat of the owner of my future animal.

In general, I don’t know how, but the owner of this monster persuaded me to buy it, and even managed to give me a bag of all sorts of scrap in the bargain.

My firstborn looked at least pathetic at the time of purchase (see photo).

I left them at one in the morning, having managed to pour a can of beer into myself in celebration (it’s good that no more).

My path ran from South Butovo to the center of Moscow, or rather to Arbat.

The only thing that made me happy was that the moped had absolutely no engine problems (well, almost none) and the brakes worked. I was not happy that the electrics were dead, i.e. I was driving without any lights at all, there was no speedometer, and the last time I drove something on two wheels was around the time I bought my first guitar (see the beginning of the post).

I found out where to go (my phone was dead, so there was no navigator) and drove off. The first half hour passed without incident, I stopped at a gas station, filled the tank full and drove on. The first jokes began when I got to the Moscow Ring Road. There was no chance to bypass the Moscow Ring Road because my geographical critinism would have led me God knows where if I had not stuck to major highways.

On the Moscow Ring Road, the moped suddenly sneezed and died. I’m standing on the side of the road, smoking and wondering what to do next. I learned the reason for this behavior much later and will write about it in future posts. After about 10 minutes, he kicked the kick and the moped came to life (quickly, quickly to Varshavka, to hell with the Moscow Ring Road).

Then everything is somehow quiet and peaceful. I rode to the center for 2 hours. The cops didn’t pay attention to me, the moped didn’t let me down, and all sorts of “necessary” spare parts that the former owner carefully shoved onto my back hurt me to the point of bruises, so I periodically stopped to smoke and warm up. It's actually very cold at 4 o'clock in the morning in May))

In short, at home I received a scolding from my wife for not picking up the phone (how can I pick it up if the phone is dead and there’s not a soul on the street?) and went to bed.

Read about how the moped came back to life in the following articles, but for now I’ll take my leave.

Regal Raptor DD50E is a Chinese moped that has received a lot of positive reviews during its sale. Why a moped? Yes, because its engine capacity is only 50 cubic meters. see, and to manage it, category “M” rights are sufficient.

The Regal Raptor model range is quite extensive, and the same motorcycles are sold in different countries under different names - Regal Raptor, Johnny Pag, Iron Eagle, and in some countries of South America even Jawa... this suggests that in its price category These motorcycles are quite good if they are so popular.

The Regal Raptor DD50E became popular in Russia, first of all, because it did not require any license to drive it (until recently), which made it a good choice for beginners or for temporarily disqualified drivers. One of my friends, having been left without a driver’s license for a year, bought a Regal Raptor DD50E for daily driving around the city (since he categorically refused to switch to a scooter) and drove it around Moscow for more than 8,000 km in a year. Paradoxically, during all this time, Regal Raptor never broke down. By the way, the Regal Raptor DD50E was on sale with both a manual transmission and an automatic transmission, or rather, with a CVT, like on scooters. Owners sometimes had complaints about the operation of the variator, but, in any case, versions with a classic manual transmission are mostly found on sale.

The maximum speed is 80 km/h. It is possible to install another piston, 110 cc. see, which will improve dynamics and raise the maximum speed bar to 100 km/h. However, do not forget that the Regal Raptor DD50E is just a moped, and riding it at such speed may be unsafe. In addition, legally, the installation of a 110 cc piston engine automatically equates this moped to a motorcycle, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences if this fact is discovered by the traffic police.

The front disc brake stops the Regal Raptor DD50E quite effectively. The rear “drum” is also not satisfactory. But what disappoints is the volume of the gas tank. Even taking into account the consumption of about two liters per 100 km, the tank does not last long. What prevented the Chinese from adding a couple of liters of volume? This would not spoil the appearance, and it would hardly make the construction unimaginably more expensive.

To sum it up, the Regal Raptor DD50E is a moped, not a motorcycle. It costs more than modestly, and it would be foolish to expect much from it. But as a means of transport in the village, it is not inferior to some 50 cc scooter, and this mini chopper costs commensurately with it. Moreover, with tuning for 110 cc. see, he even begins to show the beginnings of a cheerful character. However, when purchasing, it is worth considering that any moped of this size will be cramped for a person taller than average.

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