Car or motorcycle - what to choose? Description, characteristics, advantages and reviews

For those who are about to hit the road for the first time as a driver rather than a passenger, the question often arises: what vehicle should I buy? When choosing between automobile and two-wheeled vehicles, they consider which is more practical, more powerful, more convenient? Finally, which is faster: a motorcycle or a car? Of course, the ideal option is when you have both a car and a motorcycle in the garage. And yet, let’s look at the advantages of each type of transport.

Disadvantages of a motorcycle

Let's start, perhaps, with the cons. A person thinking about whether to buy a motorcycle should be warned, and therefore armed.


The very first thing that comes to mind is the weather factor. Especially here, in Russia. You can drive your car all year round, just change the tires according to the time of year. The motorcycle is definitely laid up for six months, starting from mid-autumn and ending in mid-spring. You can come to the garage, wipe the dust off it, talk with your iron friend, you can even start it and give it gas... and then cover it again with a cover and wait for warm days.

Load capacity

It is possible to travel in a car with family or friends, while having a large load in the trunk. A motorcycle is, one might say, a vehicle for an egoist. The maximum you can do is seat your loved one behind you. Of course, in Asian countries, a regular scooter can accommodate the entire family, including a wife, three children and pets. But in Russia they don’t drive like that (because it’s not cool). You can’t put something big on a motorcycle, and if you’re going on a trip, you have to carefully think about what to take with you, because even in the largest touring panniers, space runs out faster than a short list of the very, very necessary. So the thought of whether to take your favorite coffee maker with you for your morning coffee often falls away by itself

Moto equipment

The next factor not in favor of the motorcycle is equipment. Equipment is not always convenient. The equipment is restrictive; it needs to be put on before the trip, taken off after the trip, and stored somewhere. If you like to ride a motorcycle to work, you should

have a change of clothes there, because you don’t wear leather gear in the office all day. And sometimes your colleagues look askance at you and ask you not to hang your motorcycle jacket next to their fashionable cashmere coats. You can also remember the little things that cause inconvenience in one way or another. For example, it often happens that you seem to have put on the appropriate equipment, went out onto the highway, picked up speed, and realized that plus 15 at a speed of 100 km/h is not summer at all... And having returned to the city and making your way in a traffic jam between hot cars, you get a local “hamam” inside the motorcycle protection both from these cars and from your own hot engine. So motorcycle equipment is not for sugar people.

But the look of a motorcyclist in equipment is always simply magnificent: the girl is always sexy, the man is always brutal!

(You can read about choosing equipment HERE)

Motorcycle storage

Another difficult issue is motorcycle storage. If you can simply throw a car under the balcony, then with a motorcycle this trick will not always work. Even if you can leave it there, at a minimum it needs to be fastened to something, and better yet, covered with a cover that will protect not only from rain, dust and dirt, but also from tipsy motorcycle fans who simply cannot pass by such beauty without having a photo shoot on your bike, sometimes with your feet on the handlebars or from the “second before...” cycle. at the same time, having dropped your motorcycle, they will not be very sad, unlike you. But the car enthusiast simply presses a button on the key, the car makes a friendly beep in response, and the driver can calmly go about his business. It is better, of course, to have a garage for a motorcycle. There it can be stored warm and dry, and some repairs can be made there if anything is needed. But again, if you need to drive quickly, then the car is parked in your driveway, and you still have to get to the garage with the motorcycle, and that also takes time.

What's faster?

The next point: “it’s faster on a motorcycle” sometimes turns out to be a myth. Judge for yourself: if you have a car, you throw on a light jacket, leave the house, get behind the wheel and hit the road. If you have a motorcycle, you put on your gear, get down, take the cover off the bike, put it in the case, unfasten the motorcycle and only then get out. And if the motorcycle is in the garage, then the road to the garage also takes a lot of time. Upon arrival at the place, follow the same procedure in reverse order. Of course, if there are a lot of traffic jams on the way, the motorcyclist will benefit; he will pass through traffic jams faster than a motorist. But you need to understand that you need to learn how to drive safely in traffic jams, this is constant tension and composure, in contrast to the imposing idle time in a traffic jam behind the wheel of a car, when you can turn on your favorite TV series in the background, listen to an audiobook, an online tutorial, or just chat on the phone.

And not every beginner will dare to get through traffic jams on a motorcycle, especially on narrow streets, where you have to squeeze in centimeters from beautiful and expensive cars. You can’t do this without good driving skills, and it’s good if you were lucky with a motorcycle school where you didn’t try to save money on your training, but took the knowledge to the maximum.

Long trips on a motorcycle

Now let's talk about long trips. Of course, this is all much easier by car. You can drive all day long, holding the steering wheel in one hand and, for example, a sandwich in the other. You can fidget, move, sit up, and this and that. On a motorcycle, you sit in a relatively static position and you certainly won’t be able to eat a sandwich. Sometimes it helps to get into a standing position (if you can) and ride on straight legs, but not all motorcycles will allow you to perform such a trick safely and comfortably, and it will not significantly extend the distance of the “non-stop flight” between refueling and resting places.

By the way, among the motorcycle fraternity there is even such a funny title called “Iron Ass”. It was invented in America in the late 60s of the last century. It is received by someone who travels a certain number of kilometers in a certain amount of time, while observing the mileage rules. In Russia now this is a fairly popular honorary title! And this is justified: not everyone can stay in one position, in tension, and at the same time travel 2000 km in 24 hours.


Top speed: 380 km/h

Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h: 3 seconds

In terms of outright speed, the IndyCar series comes to the fore, reaching speeds of up to 380 km/h. At the same time, however, it cannot be said that these cars are the fastest, since they are inferior to Formula 1 cars in terms of aerodynamic efficiency. on smaller tracks or tracks with a lot of turns they are slower.

Pros of a motorcycle

Are there many disadvantages? Then let's move on to the positives!

Motorcycle is a drive

Probably the biggest plus of a motorcycle is emotions. This is truly an emotional transport. Driving on two wheels is incomparable to driving a car.

Riding a motorcycle gives you great emotions and a feeling of freedom. You move not only in the plane of the road, you take turns, you accelerate and stop much more dynamically than in a car. This is a huge involvement in the movement process and complete immersion in the movement. This captivating factor often becomes decisive for those who have ridden a motorcycle at least once and understand what it is. Especially if it’s not just a monotonous ride, but maneuvers in which absolutely your entire body is involved: arms, legs, body, head. Your brain is not distracted for a second; every moment of time it works and solves the tasks assigned to it. All this gives a feeling of merging with the motorcycle. A motorcycle becomes not just a means of transport, it becomes a part of you, an extension of you. Therefore, the hearts of people who are not indifferent to technology become captivated by motorcycles, once they experience this symbiosis of man and mechanism...


Next plus. A motorcycle is a kind of self-expression. This is what you can do to attract attention. A motorcyclist always stands out from the crowd. In addition, a motorcycle is quite economical. If you don’t have a lot of money and you’re thinking about whether to buy an old Zhiguli car or a simple but stylish motorcycle, then, of course, the bike will look much more attractive.


Another bonus of owning a motorcycle is communication. Indeed, motorcyclists have a special relationship. They don't just always say hello to each other as they drive by. There are unspoken rules of mutual assistance and revenue on the road. For example, if you have a flat tire on your bike, not a single real motorcyclist will pass by without finding out if they can somehow help. This is a kind of motorcycle fraternity. Having met somewhere in a roadside cafe, motorcyclists will definitely at least get to know each other, and, under the right circumstances, acquaintance can develop into friendship. Not all motorists are so friendly and open to communication

Accessible sport

If you want adrenaline and drive, then motorsport. Basic bike control skills are enough to start training and try yourself in amateur competitions. The ability to ride a motorcycle means excellent control of your body. Training and racing take place on specially equipped tracks or simply off-road. And motorcycles can be both sports and ordinary, road ones. Racing on motorcycles is always more difficult and more interesting than racing on a car. In addition, motorsports are more financially accessible than motorsports.

You can buy yourself a pit bike for little money and safely participate in competitions on it, while sharpening your skills.

A good motorcycle school is the path to safety and professionalism

Of course, a motorcycle is dangerous. It's much more dangerous than driving a car. But if you have received quality training from a conscientious and experienced instructor and follow safety rules when driving, these risks are reduced significantly. It is recommended that you take not just the minimum course to obtain a license, but an extended training program that will give you the opportunity to practice not only basic skills, but also more complex motorcycle control techniques. After such pumping, the likelihood of getting into an accident is no higher than with a car. Therefore, you need to study qualitatively. By choosing quality training for yourself, you are choosing safe and enjoyable motorcycle riding. Getting a license for a motorcycle is easier than getting a license for a car. You only need to take the exam on site. The city, like when getting a car license, doesn’t give up. Having received a good motorcycle education, there is a high probability of passing your license the first time. But the number of those who passed the exam for category “B” the first time tends to zero. Training for category A is almost two times cheaper than training for a car. Motorcycle school, compared to driving school, is much more interesting. In a motorcycle school, it has been observed from experience that students are treated more humanely, and the learning process itself is positive. Here you can meet people close to you in spirit, because people come here mainly at the call of their souls. More often than not, people go to a driving school simply because they have to.


Well, buying a motorcycle is, of course, cheaper than buying a car. It is also more economical to maintain a bike than a car. The costs of gasoline and maintenance of such equipment are reduced several times compared to the costs of a car. Another plus is parking. Parking on a motorcycle is much easier than parking on a car. You can stand on a bike in a place where even half a car wouldn’t fit. Moreover, most often, it is free.

Why does a person need a vehicle?

The benefit of owning a vehicle, whether it's a car, a race car, a motorcycle or just a bicycle, is the freedom of movement. This means that you do not depend on the public transport schedule, but can go whenever you want.

When choosing an “iron horse,” every car or motorcycle enthusiast pays attention to his personal preferences and the price of the product. Many people choose a car, but a motorcycle also has its own advantages and in some situations it can be more useful to a person.

Weaknesses of two-wheelers

  • Danger . Many car drivers look at motorcyclists with disbelief, calling them “crunchies.” The definition is appropriate, given the number of deaths in accidents involving them. When buying a vehicle with their last money, bikers forget about quality equipment. But even the most expensive protection will not protect you from serious injuries in the event of a severe collision. According to statistics, the likelihood of death while driving a motorcycle is 29 times greater than when driving a passenger car.
  • Seasonality . In Russia, the summer period lasts from June to September. Fans ride on the slopes all year round, but you will agree that there is little pleasure in driving in pouring rain or frost.
  • Limited number of passengers . The bike is not designed for more than two people. You won't be able to take your child to school or your pregnant spouse to the doctor.
  • Low cargo capacity . The motorcycle has a modest trunk in which you can put an item not exceeding the size of one travel bag.
  • Expensive equipment . Just a good helmet costs about 20 thousand. If you calculate the total amount of protection, it will greatly exceed the cost of the entire bike. For this money you can buy a good brand of car.

Bike for creative people

For some, buying a vehicle on two wheels is a manifestation of the talent of an artist. Building a motorcycle is creativity. With the help of tuning, decoration or additional design of hardware, a motorcyclist expresses himself and shows his individuality.

Sometimes people buy bikes for more than just riding. People interested in bikes are attracted to such aspects of motorcycle culture as:

  1. history of cultural development;
  2. vehicle mechanics;
  3. the art of bike design.

If the motorcycle were not a part of creativity, engineers and designers would churn out identical models with no differences in shape or style. No one would strive to create a unique unit, agonizing over the installation of an additional part.

Yes, the motorcycle industry has had its share of periods when the only thing that mattered was that the motorcycle could move without problems. Back then there was no emphasis on the beauty or individual design of the model. But over time, decorating and tuning a bike has become part of the art and an opportunity to express creativity.

Formula 3

Maximum speed: 300 km/h

Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h: 3.1 seconds.

Formula 3 cars are even slower, both due to less efficient aerodynamics and weaker engines - 380 hp. versus 620 in Formula 2 and more than 1000 in Formula 1.

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